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 Help in OkMap for importing custom charts and geor
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Posted - 27/05/2024 :  15:45:16  Show Profile  Visit Suzen's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello OKMap community,
I have just started using OkMap for some of my out of door adventures and mapping systems. I am impressed with the features and capabilities of the software, but I am passing some difficulties with importing custom charts and georeferencing. I have some high resolution topographic charts in JPEG and TIFF formats that I would like to use in OkMap. still, I am not entirely sure about the stylish practices for importing these charts. Are there specific settings or way I need to follow to insure they are imported rightly?

My charts come with different match systems. How do I handle this in OkMap? Is there a recommended approach to icing that match systems are rightly interpreted and enforced within the software?

After geo referencing, I would like to export these charts for use on my GPS device. What are the stylish import settings and formats to insure comity and maintain the delicacy of georeferenced data?


Professional (AWS Big Data)


2653 Posts

Posted - 27/05/2024 :  16:28:48  Show Profile  Visit okmap's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi, for georeferencing, I recommend you view the following videos: https://www.mondogeo.com/2705-2/ (in Italian).
In particular this: https://www.mondogeo.com/2020/04/18/georiferire-mappe-con-okmap/
You can also see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLts9omLjho&t=1s
For preparing maps for Garmin: https://www.mondogeo.com/2020/05/16/custommap-per-garmin-realizzarle-in-modo-semplice/
I don't understand what you mean by "importing charts" (does you mean "raster maps"?).
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